Monday, February 12, 2007

appreciate this day

Today is the most tiring start of the week (aside from the JIG event we had in school). Organizing events such as the appreciation day is no easy task. The Saturday before today was back breaking, i must say. The preps for the program, gifts, certificates, presentations, and everything were a smorgasbord of demanding freaks! (Whew!) Jyle, Mia, Krenz, Karen, Cesar, Bernard, Vincent, Yayam and the rest of the LCLC Volunteers and the class presidents maximized the remaining time for making the best appreciation day we could think of.

When people see the program as it is, they dont really see the brainstorming and the hard work behind the spectacle brought to life in front of them. It just like watching a fireworks display in the night sky, people are awed by the bright lights and all. What they dont see and experience is the preparation of mixing all those explosive stuf too appropriate amounts to give just the right kind of blast. I have had my experience in productions and you will really be trained how to think at the opposite side of the fence.

My heart aches for those who complain and give unsolicited suggestions as to improve activties. They can look at my garden from the picket fence and bother me as to how to tend to it. If I look into theirs, it will all be just rubbish since they don't have a green thumb. But, I'm really not interested to look, since I have a paradise in front of my porch.
I don't want to quote Exupery.

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